This anime toy depicts Uchiha Sasuke, a ninja from the village hidden in the leaves. As a young child, Sasuke witnessed his brother kill the other members of their family and is driven by a burning need to avenge them. As such Sasuke isn’t very social and spends much of his time training to make himself stronger. When it seems that Naruto is outperforming him, Sasuke takes the decision to leave the village and becomes a villain until Naruto can redeem him and bring him back home. Sasuke has many powerful abilities granted to him by his Rinnegan and Mangekyo Sharingan eyes like being able to see other’s chakra and learn their unique skills. Each action figure in the Anime Heroes range stands at 17cm tall and has 17 points of articulation, allowing you to bend and pose the figurine however you like. Each character also comes with extra pairs of hands and iconic accessories so you can relive all of your favourite moments from the Naruto Shippuden anime. Complete Team 7 by collecting other Naruto action figures in the range like Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura and play out saving the world or display them amongst other Naruto merch.
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