The Digimon world is full of incredible and varied Digital Monsters waiting to be discovered, now you can take them with you while you are out and about with the Digimon Vital Bracelet. This virtual game sits around your wrist and measures steps and heart rate like a fitness bracelet, encouraging you to get outside and be active. Your electronic pet will live in the Vital Bracelet and grow and evolve based on your activity. New Digimon can be introduced to the game with DIM cards, introducing whole new evolutionary trees. The Gammamon DIM card introduces 17 new Digimon based around the Gammamon family. Gammamon is a small Digimon with three horns on its head arranged like a Triceratops. As it digivolves it can take on many other dinosaur themed forms drawing inspiration from sauropods and dragons. By gathering more DIM cards you can explore the vast and varied world of Digimon to grow and play your virtual pets with your friends.
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